Genetics are amazing and when we look at a child, we can often see a little of the father and mother in them. Sometimes, it can be very strong and at other times, it is more subtle.

Although we may get certain traits from either our mother or father, there are some characteristics that come from the father only. If you know what comes from the father, then you know what you will pass on to your own children as well.

1. Gender: The man is responsible for the gender of the child. The egg from the female always has the X chromosome but the male sperm will either have the X or Y chromosome.

2. Height: For the most part, you will get your height from the father. Sometimes, you may get a surprise because the father may pass on genes that allow you to get tall, even though they are shorter.

3. Y-Links: There are certain conditions that may be passed on by the father through the Y chromosome. This could include autism, dwarfism, congenital blindness, and other genetic factors.

4. X-Links: If you were born as a female, then the aforementioned conditions can be carried on the X chromosome and passed on by your father. In other words, many of the genetic conditions, regardless of whether you are a man or woman are from the father.

5. Fat Storage: Your father’s genetics will often be passed on when it comes to how the body stores and burns fat. If your father tends to have a little extra weight around his waist, forearms, or legs, you will likely have it as well.

6. Crooked Teeth: Most people don’t realize that they tend to inherit imperfect teeth from their father. The dominant male gene will often determine the shape of the jaw and that affects how the teeth develop.

7. Dimples: Your father’s genetics may have a lot to do with dimples, whether they are big or small. If both of your parents have dimples, then you are more likely to have them.

8. Fingerprints: Everyone’s fingerprints are unique but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t genetic. The general shape and depth of the fingerprints are influenced largely by the X chromosomes you get from your father. They might not be identical but they will be similar.

9. Sneezing: You may notice that you have similar sneezing patterns as your father. Some of the things that may be passed on include hay fever and allergies, as well as light-sensitive sneezing.

10. Eye Color: most babies have dark blue eyes when they are born but the genetics change the color over their lifetime. This includes the amount of melanin in the iris, which is largely inherited from the dad.

By Admin

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