Four married guys got together for a fishing trip. After about an hour of sitting quietly, a conversation sparked among them:

The first guy said, “You wouldn’t believe what I had to promise to get away for this fishing trip. I had to swear I’d paint every room in the house next weekend!”

The second guy chimed in, “That’s nothing compared to what I agreed to! I had to promise my wife I’d build her a whole new deck by the pool.”

The third guy shook his head and responded, “You both got off easy! I had to commit to remodeling the entire kitchen for my wife!”

As they continued fishing, they noticed that the fourth guy remained silent. Wondering what his story was, they asked, “Hey, you haven’t mentioned what kind of deal you had to make to come fishing this weekend. What’s your secret?”

With a chuckle, the fourth guy replied, “I just set my alarm for 5:30 in the morning. When it buzzed, I shut it off, nudged my wife, and asked her, ‘Fishing or sex?’ She just said, ‘Don’t forget your sunscreen.’”

By Admin

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