When we get together as youngsters, we sometimes come up with plans to do something that we hope is never seen by others. Perhaps that is how the four young boys in this video felt.

At first, they were only putting together a memory for themselves. It was supposed to be private but after one of the sisters of the three boys uploaded it to the Internet, the video became a viral sensation.

This wasn’t something that was planned and in fact, they had no idea they would reach an audience this wide. After it was shared, however, the Internet fell in love with the innocent boys and it spread very quickly.

The boy’s sister who shared it, Annie Arvidson did it as a joke and only wanted to share it with family and friends. She had no idea that it would go beyond and spread like wildfire.

As the boys danced to one song after another, you could see that they had a lot of enthusiasm. It is like they were making up their own boy band, and you have to see it to appreciate it.

Fortunately, we have the video for you here.

By Admin

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