The now-viral video of Melania Trump slow dancing with an army sergeant at her husband’s inauguration ball earlier this week has been evaluated by a human behavior specialist.

Inbaal Honigman, a body language analyst, made some fairly startling insights. He pointed out that the First Lady’s behaviors during the performance were different from those when she danced with her other half, Donald.

Melania was asked to dance by Sergeant Henry Waller during the event, which was attended by a number of foreign leaders, lawmakers, and military members. Meanwhile, Trump accepted the hand of US Space Force Sergeant Tatiana Saldana.

Waller was later asked by press about his moment with the first lady, explaining: “I asked her how her night was going.

“She said it was going good. She asked me how mine was. I said, ‘It was fantastic’.”

“Oh, yeah, she’s a really good dancer,” he said in response to the question of whether Melania was a “good dancer,” adding that the “only rehearsing” he did for the dance was “back home with [his] wife.”

Since then, pictures and videos from the inci:dent have gone viral online, with many people leaving comments about the smile that appeared on Melania’s face at the age of 54.

“She just lights up when she’s around normal good people” , a person commented.

Others claimed there is a difference between the mannerisms shown by the mother-of-one when in Waller’s company, compared with Trump.

“Anyone ever see her smile at Trump like that?”, another commented.

And according to body language expert Honigman, this is an apt observation.

“Her face is neutral some of the time, smiling in a standard smile some of the time. There’s no indication of unhappiness, as her smile is bright and genuine, but at times her thoughts wander.

The expert went on to describe her “almost imperceptible hair flick” as a “subtle” “hidden gesture” of her emotions.

“When the officer places his arm around her for the dance, The First Lady tilts her head back and swishes her hair from side to side,” Honigman went on. “This is a confident sign of allure, and can even be seen as flirtation.

“It’s a tiny, attention-grabbing move, which happens when someone wants to be liked.”

She concluded: “Just before the dance, there’s an awkward moment – both Melania and the officer’s hands move left and right swiftly, trying to figure out how they’ll dance.

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