Dovydas is a traveling musician who regularly plays for the public on the street. It’s always interesting to hear him playing because he has a lot of talent but he’s also willing to share the spotlight.

It’s amazing to think that Dovydas has been performing in this way for so many years. This included what happened in the video we have for you below when he decided to reach out to someone in the audience.

Dovydas is known for discovering talent and sharing the spotlight with others. That’s what he did this day, but he had some prompting because a father was pointing out his daughter and telling him that she was a singer. As it turned out, she was a fan of the street singer and had been waiting six years to get to meet him.

Vera was picked out of everyone standing around that day to come up and join him for a song. When he asked her what she sang, she said anything and then he asked her if she knew any Journey. She was happy that she did.

Dovydas started by playing the music and, as a one-man band, it took some time for him to get everything in the loop and begin playing the guitar. It also took Vera time to get prepared, not only because she was performing in front of a crowd but because the music wasn’t what you would usually hear for that song.

After he was prepared and the music was playing, she jumped in by singing and it is absolute perfection. You can listen and watch the performance in the following video:

By Admin

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