Most people think about their deaths, at least on occasion. They may even have a final wish, and sometimes they may get that wish when the moment comes.

That doesn’t seem to be the case for French actor Alain Delon. He had a final wish, but it was a bit unusual and his family is not going to follow through.

Alain Delon is known for some of the many parts that he played over the years, and he was even recognized by the French president after his death. He had a final wish to be buried with his dog, Loubo, which would’ve required that the dog be euthanized.

The leading animal welfare organization in France, SPA, opposed the request saying that Loubo’s life should not be taken because he had the desire for it. The family agreed and kept Loubo alive, saying that they would continue to care for the dog.

Now that he has passed away at the age of 88, he leaves behind a legacy that is something to be remembered. It was his final wish, however, that caught the most attention.

In an interview from 2018, he said: “I want to be buried with my dogs. I don’t care about anything else, I just want to be with them. They were the only ones who loved me unconditionally, always there for me, asking nothing in return.”

As you can imagine, an outcry occurred from animal rights activists who said that it was unnecessary to euthanize a healthy dog and bury it with the actor in his grave.

A debate got started and it seemed as if people had some very strong opinions.

This included a statement from the SPA, saying: “The SPA wanted to pay tribute to Alain Delon, animal lover and defender of the cause. Before his death, he had expressed the wish to euthanize his dog Lobo.

“However, the life of an animal should not be conditioned by that of a human,” the statement continued. “The SPA is volunteering to take in his dog and find him a family.”

So, despite the fact that he gave his final wish, the family agreed that the dog should be kept alive. Pictures have even been shared of the dog on Instagram, one of which was captioned: “Wherever there is an unfortunate person, god sends a dog.’ Thank you my Loubo for being there for your master.”

It’s always sad when somebody passes away, especially if they are well-known and provide us with years of entertainment. In this particular case, however, it was his last wish that will likely be how many people remember him.

By Admin

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