When we see a celebrity in the movies or on TV, we tend to freeze them in time. It seems as if they never move forward, but we know that they do.

Recently, fans were a bit surprised when they saw Kevin Costner in a public appearance. He doesn’t come out as often as he used to and people couldn’t help but talk about what they saw.

It occurred at the Golden Globes awards when he was sitting in having a discussion with Harrison Ford. The candid moment was caught in a picture, and he posted it on his Instagram account.


There were many comments on that picture, including some that discussed how much they appreciated what Kevin Costner has done over the years. Others, however, expressed concern or discussed how he is aging.

Some of the commenters told him to take it easy on the fillers, thinking that he looked odd and may have had some facial procedures done. Others said that he seemed like a different person.

There were also people who expressed how handsome he looked and were appreciative of his charm.

Koster did not make the Golden Globes last year because of a storm so a couple of years have passed since he was in the limelight. In the end, he is thankful for each year that passes.

By Admin

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