It doesn’t matter who we are, it seems as if animals share a very special part of our lives. This is true of the dogs and cats that may live in our homes as well as wild animals that we sometimes see in videos.

Although nobody can really claim they have an elephant as a pet, except a rare few, they are an animal that is loved by humans everywhere. As intelligent creatures, they just seem to captivate our attention in special ways.

That is why it wasn’t surprising when a group of men jumped in to help a baby elephant that was struggling in the water. It was not necessarily a situation that was safe, but the men knew that they had to help that baby elephant.

In the end, it wasn’t just the kindness of the men that was displayed by their act of love, it was also the emotional abilities of the elephants in general to display their gratitude for a kind deed.

It happened in a sanctuary Park that is home to many African elephants. Some of the forest elephants may weigh up to four tons but the larger Bush elephants can weigh up to eight tons.

The baby Bush elephant was trapped in a pit of mud and could not get out. If you were to witness this yourself, you couldn’t help but feel empathy for the little animal.

The park staff did not hesitate but rather, they jumped in to help the young elephant escape. They began to dig around the pit so that an escape route was available. It didn’t work as planned.

The situation was getting even worse at this point, and the herd was getting anxious. They were coming close to the little one and pushing it into the pit even further.

The Rangers knew they had to do something, so they took action quickly. They took the parked vehicles into the area to get the herd of adult elephants out of the way because of the risk involved. They didn’t want to get injured.

The Rangers were then able to go into the baby elephant, an animal that could weigh up to 200 pounds. After being rescued, the baby elephant didn’t want to leave the humans. But then she heard her mother.

At that point, the rescue workers saw something they weren’t expecting. Watch it for yourself in this video:

By Admin

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